Relative dating answer key displaying all worksheets related to relative dating answer key. The oldest layer of rock is on the bottom • law of original horizontality:. Pin on School Stuff Sw science 10 unit 6 relative dating worksheet name: Relative dating worksheet principles of geology answer key . 8 1 relative dating historical geology and fossils strong vs lab activity relative dating key relative dating which e first solved earth science lab relative dating 2 determine thesolved earth science lab relative dating 2 determine therelative dating 1 earth science labearth science lab relative datinglab activity relative dating key earth sciencescience 10 principles of… read more » _____ 6.2 geologic time 6.2.2 relative dating the law of superposition in any undisturbed sequence of strata, the oldest layer is at the bottom of the sequence, and the youngest layer is at the top of the sequence. About this quiz & worksheet. Relative dating exercises with answers | vouchers...